The exhibition, organized by Fiera Milano, will have as partners the three Italian trade organization involved in bus-based mobility and public transport: AGENS (Agenzie Confederale dei Trasporti e dei Servizi), ANAV (Associazione Nazionale Autotrasporto Viaggiatori) and ASSTRA (Associazione Trasporti). The European Commission’s goal, as set out in the Green Deal, of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 (and a 55% reduction in carbon footprint by 2030), inevitably involves reducing emissions from transport. This will be possible thanks, first and foremost, to the strengthening of public transport and collective transport in general, since the real challenge of sustainability and ecological transition is the transfer of significant modal shares from private to collective and intermodal mobility. In this sense, it is essential to achieve the Next Generation EU target, in Italy, of transferring 10% of private motorized mobility to local public transport, which in itself can significantly reduce the environmental footprint of transport. A further contribution, also in terms of service quality and efficiency, would come from the renewal of the pre-Euro 5 bus fleet with low environmental impact technological solutions (electric, hybrid, CNG, latest generation engines or hydrogen). In this framework, innovation, digitalization and technology appear to be the key enabling factors for developing and promoting a new model of smart, integrated and sustainable mobility that fits in well with the ecological and energy transition process launched by the PNRR (the Italian project within Next Generation EU), where 2.42 billion euros are invested in the renewal of Local Public Transport vehicles, in addition to a further 600 million until 2026.
Over 33,000 operators attended NME and the concurrently held Transpotec Logitec. Three days dedicated to open discussions about innovation and the cha ...
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