Milan, 13 December 2023. NME-Next Mobility Exhibition, the biennial international event dedicated to solutions, technologies, means and policies for an integrated, innovative and sustainable mobility system for the people, returns from 8 to 10 May 2024 in Milan, the world's sixth largest city for green mobility and home to the National Centre for Sustainable Mobility.
Not only a showcase for innovation, but also an opportunity for discussion and cultural updating within a sector that is undergoing profound changes. NME is already working to plan the rich conference schedule, which will be conceived and coordinated by the Technical-Scientific Committee chaired by Professor Pierluigi Coppola (Politecnico di Milano Polytechnic, Department of Mechanics), whose members include national and international associations as well as academic institutions representing the various sides of energy transition. The event is supported by AGENS, ANAV and ASSTRA, the three Italian associations representing the world of collective road transport, which have renewed their participation in the project.
The three exhibition days will therefore be an occasion to discover means, services and solutions able to provide a concrete alternative to the private car, but also a unique opportunity for discussion and updating on market drivers, development opportunities and innovations to improve the quality of life in our cities with a lower environmental impact.
According to data by ASSTRA, the Italian public transport sector generates a turnover of around 12 billion euros per year - with more than 5.5 billion passengers transported - and employs more than 124,000 people, creating value for the territories and major economic and employment opportunities. Despite this numbers, however, there is untapped potential to be explored, as around 85% of Italians still prefer to use private transport. Unfortunately, this choice has an impact on city congestion and on the social cost of road accidents, which in Italy is around 18 billion euros per year (0.9% of GDP), to which must be added the social costs of pollution, which amount to 1,400 euros per citizen, equivalent to approximately 5% of GDP.
How is it possible to reverse this trend? How can we optimise public funding and increase the modal share by 10% in 2030 as planned? The sector has been facing these questions for years, but still hasn't managed to find a structural answer. In relation to this topic, NME, in collaboration with AGENS, ANAV and ASSTRA, will present a study by the Milan Polytechnic aimed at analysing the economic and social benefits of an integrated, sustainable and widespread local public transport system. In addition, the study will also outline the structural investments related to services needed by the sector for its recovery. While the investments made to renew the fleet are before everyone's eyes (for the first time in Italy the average age of the bus fleet is below 10 years), investments on services are still insufficient, especially in today's context. Inflationary pressure, high cost of energy, the structural drop in demand (minus 15% in 2019), the rising cost of operating zero-emission vehicles, and the shortage of drivers are all factors hindering the development of the industry and penalising the economic balance of companies in the sector.
NME will not focus exclusively on local public transport. Great space will be also dedicated to the commercial lines of the sector, which have regained strength after the Covid pandemic. On 9 May, the second day of the event, ANAV will present an important study carried out by Professor Paolo Beria of the Politecnico di Milano to outline the new national strategy for bus transport and tourism. Commercial transport is indeed a fundamental part of our country's economy. In 2019 (latest available data), commercial bus services registered a turnover of 400 million euros employing 1,700 buses and 3,500 employees, while the bus rental sector had a turnover of 2.2 billion euros employing 24,000 buses and 25,000 employees. The objective of the study made by Professor Beria is the definition of possible strategic lines for the sector in order to reactivate the demand.
In Italy the NRRP gave impetus to a strong renewal of the vehicle fleet, which for the first time in the last 30 years has reached an average age below 10 years. According to data by ANFIA, 3,068 buses were registered in the third quarter of 2023 (above 8 tonnes) compared to 1,643 in the third quarter of 2022. An increase that translates into a +87.8%. Out of a total of 3,068 units, Class II vehicles were the most popular, accounting for more than half of the registered vehicles with 1,647 units. Just over a thousand units were Class I (1,002), while Class III vehicles stood at 403. The boom in electric cars continued, with an increase from 85 to 219 units (+157.6%). Hybrid vehicles showed a great growth (+552.3%), as well as natural gas/electric hybrids (+100%) and pure hybrids (+105.9%). Such numbers are profoundly changing the structures and needs of transport companies. The most successful Italian best practices will be presented at the Next Mobility Exhibition. Particular attention will be dedicated to Milan, Rome, Naples and Catania, cities that have invested to achieve zero-emission public transport in the short term. The energy transition does not only imply the commissioning of zero-emission buses; as a matter of fact, charging stations and new job profiles are also two key elements of the transition.
The National Centre for Sustainable Mobility (MOST), which was presented during the last edition of NME, will return to Fiera Milano, where, at NME 2024, will present the first approved projects that will transform the Italian scenario. In the first three years (2023-2025), MOST will invest 394 million euros, employing a total of 696 dedicated researchers, 574 of which will be newly recruited. These numbers highlight the magnitude of a project designed to become an effective engine for growth and development in the mobility sector. The Centre aims to achieve a clear mission: leading the transition towards sustainable and digital mobility while contributing to the industrial transformation of the sector and collaborating with local institutions to implement modern, sustainable and inclusive solutions in the cities and regions of the country. The National Centre for Sustainable Mobility represents a tangible response to the development needs of a crucial sector for the economy, which is estimated to reach a total value of 220 billion euros by 2030 and to absorb 12% of the national workforce. In this scenario, EU institutions are committed to promoting a new sustainable mobility, pursuant to the guidelines of the Green New Deal.
The digitisation of the sector, the rapid evolution of sharing mobility, modal integration and, more generally, MaaS (Mobility as a Service), are the market drivers around which will revolve the 2024 edition of NME.
"Trials are currently underway in six Italians cities (Rome, Milan, Naples, Turin, Florence, Bari) and will soon be extended to the regional level thanks to the promotion by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. The test aims to evaluate the data management model via the national platform (DS&SRF) that will enable MaaS operators to monitor transport services in a centralised manner, thus simplifying the access for users and offering integrated travel solutions". Such system: "will also allow to monitor the impact on demand, the degree of user satisfaction, and the level of utilisation of the integrated services offered", explained Pierluigi Coppola, chairman of the Technical Scientific Committee of NME. Among the activities on schedule, NME will analyse the data and present the first results of this important project, which aims to integrate the various transport systems and increase the quality of the travel experience.
Over 33,000 operators attended NME and the concurrently held Transpotec Logitec. Three days dedicated to open discussions about innovation and the cha ...
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