The second edition of NME, held in parallel with Transpotec Logitec, was enthusiastically received by the companies and operators present. With the participation of 539 companies and a wide range of conferences, the two events turned Fiera Milano into a hotbed of ideas on mobility challenges and issues. The events attracted more than 33,000 professionals from 62 countries and fostered an open discussion on innovation and future challenges in the mobility sector.
During the three days, innovation was widely discussed, with a special focus on new zero-emission vehicles and advanced digital solutions that can contribute to decarbonisation and make passenger mobility more sustainable and inclusive. NME provided an important opportunity to explore the latest innovations in the industry and share ideas and best practice. Through the exhibition of innovative vehicles and solutions, as well as numerous training sessions, operators had the opportunity to discover the latest technologies and strategies for improving the efficiency and sustainability of public transport.
Holding NME in parallel with Transpotec Logitec, the main Italian event dedicated to freight transport, further strengthened the event. Although they represent different sectors, they face common challenges. The focus was on energy transition and digitalisation, with particular emphasis on new vehicles unveiled by leading international brands. They showcased a wide range of sustainable buses, including electric, hybrid and hydrogen buses, and highlighted the importance of technology in addressing environmental challenges in the transport sector.
NME also hosted companies specialising in charging infrastructure and international industry giants promoting digital solutions for the transition to e-mobility. From charging stations to fleet monitoring software to complex on-demand mobility management solutions, the event presented a panorama of modern, green, connected and personalised mobility.
The next NME is in two years' time, from 13 to 16 May 2026, once again in conjunction with Transpotec Logitec.
Significant progress is being made in the electrification of the public transport system. Both Italy and Europe are taking important steps towards sus ...
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